This promotion for Best Menswear was launched to encourage a younger demographic (16-35 year old males) into Best Menswear stores nationwide. The posters were placed in shopping centres to highlight the brands available at Best Menswear.
Though initially a print project, the client commissioned a video for social media promotion, so I designed a video based on the poster design. This social media promo
required 2 video formats; landscape (1920 x 1080 Facebook cover & website background video) and portrait (1080 x 1920 Instagram Story video) . A square version of the poster was also designed for Instagram (2160 x 2160 still image).
A1 Poster promoting the brands available at Best Menswear.
A3 Poster (landscape) promoting the brands available at Best Menswear.
Video (1920 x 1080) produced in line with the posters, promoting the brands available at Best Menswear.
Instagram Still (2160 x 2160) produced in line with the posters, promoting the brands available at Best Menswear.
Instagram Story video produced in line with the posters, promoting the brands available at Best Menswear.
A4 Flyer promoting the brands available at Best Menswear.
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